Kilby, Joy

1997/9/27 EEtimesより

Kilby's inspiration was to find a way to build all the circuit components out of the same material. By connecting the components within the same substrate, not only would soldering be eliminated, but the resulting component would be even more rugged and reliable.



”Pre-1994, Bill Joy presented a proposal to Sun Labs where he presented three main concepts: 1) a language that would run on all platforms, 2) a virtual machine to run this language, and 3) a networked system to allow the distributed virtual machines to work as a singular system. In 1995, the language and virtual machine were introduced to the market as the Java Programming language and Java Virtual Machine. The system context, however, weas kept in the Sun R&D for continued research and development. This system context is Jini.

Hotchips 1996の基調講演では、Bill Joyは開始時間から少し遅れて?ふらりと手ぶらで壇に上がると、すぐ壇壁に座り、Java chipの10の思想について語り始めました。かっこよかった。
やはり思想ですね。実装には時代のトレードオフがつきまといますが、思想は生き続ける。しかし、Bill Joyが語った思想は今となっては実装だったかもしれません。